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Towards Saving the Honey Bee, G Hauk


  • Addresses all the major issues facing bees and beekeepers
  • Practical guide as well as exploring environmental implications
  • Will help beekeepers to maintain healthy hives

This book is both a practical guide to beekeeping and a study of the honeybee as a powerful ecological barometer, from which we can learn a lot about our environment.

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SKU: Towards Saving the Honey Bee Categories: ,

The honeybee is an amazing creature, and an invaluable member of our life-sustaining ecosystem. Yet it is currently in danger, and recent health problems such as mites and diseases have plagued the bee population. This book presents a fascinating overview of all aspects of beekeeping which relate to the health of the bee. The author covers topics such as materials for hives, the breeding of different types of bee, and the need for a holistic approach when treating diseases and parasites.

The book is both a practical guide to beekeeping and a study of the honeybee as a powerful ecological barometer, from which we can learn a lot about our environment.

Additional information
Weight 206 g