Venue: The Field Centre, Hay Lane, Nailsworth, Glos GL6 0QE
Cost of the weekend conference is £125 per person and includes both evening events ( on 10th Nov & 11th Nov) meals and refreshments. Conc tickets are available on request
Starts 9 am on Sat 11th November 2023
Evening session on the Sat will be a presentation exploring
” Our creative participation in the life around us – how can spiritually orientated science help? Experiences with biodynamic farming and pharmaceutical work with plants” presented by Vesna Forstneric Lesjak
This talk ( and the one on Fri 10th Nov 7.30 pm at the Centre for Science and Art ) can be attended independently of the main conference. Cost is £15 / £10 conc for each evening talk
The conference ends at 1 pm on Sun 12th November 2023
Organised by the Natural Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain
FFI and to book either for the talks or the whole event incl both evening presentations, please
email Simon Charter at or tel 07814786682
About the Conference and speakers
Interfuence Global, Biological and Human
The word “mechanism” is widely, unthinkingly and often inappropriately used in relation to environmental and life sciences. We would like to explore the idea of “interfluence” through this conference, meaning this word to represent “mutual influence” and “multidirectional interplay”.
“Interfluence” doesn’t simply replace “mechanism” but rather invites qualitatively different, more appropriately fluent and inter-relational ways of thinking.
“Global” interfluence includes motions and effects of the hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere in relation to the sun and moon, at least. “Biological” includes the various forms of organic life on earth – microbial and fungal as well as plant and animal, and their interactions. “Human” includes the imagination, creativity and activities of we humans, and our influence on earth systems. So our fields of reference are broad, but particular attention will be paid to environmental and organic circulatory systems, including our own, which help to unify the diversity and maintain continuity through continual change.
Saturday morning will include hands-on, interactive experiences of fluidity, aiming to engage and educate our senses.
On Sunday morning, participants will be invited to share their perspectives on interfluence in relation to their own areas of interest.
There will be space for dialogue among all participants, and we look forward to meeting and hearing from the work of Vesna Forštnerič Lesjak, Prof Meinhard Simon and Dr Philip Kilner.
Vesna has recently become joint leader of the Natural Science section at the Goetheanum. She is a pharmacist, biodynamic farmer and Goethean researcher. Since 2013 she has run a production company for food supplements and cosmetics. She has helped to establish and manage an association for further education in natural sciences – “Sapientia”, and the section for anthroposophical pharmacy and medicine in Slovenia.
Meinhard is Professor of Aquatic Microbial Ecology at the University of Oldenburg in North-West Germany where he supervises researchers in fields such, biological oceanography, environmental microbes and microbiome ecology. He retired in July, which will leave him freer to participate in events such as this. He is member of the board of the Natural Science Section for about 30 years
Philip has retired from his posts as Consultant and Reader in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance at Royal Brompton Hospital and Imperial College in London. Previously, after studying flow with John Wilkes, he researched flow in relation to reconstructive heart surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. His central interest is in our healthy living blood circulatory system and heart.
Organising Group , Alex Murrell, Philip Kilner and Simon Charter. For the Natural Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Britain Cost £125 including meals (concessions available please ask)
Bookings contact: