The Biodynamic Association is a charitable organisation wholly dependent on subscriptions, donations and grants. We are a small organisation, run by a small number of committed staff, who all receive modest salaries. We endeavour to make sure every penny works as hard as possible to achieve our aims of fostering, developing and supporting the growth of biodynamic land, farming, gardening, and food in the UK for the health and vitality of all.

So it is with deep gratitude that receive Donations and Gifts in Wills, however small. They all make a huge difference to our work to heal and transform our earth.

Thank you for your kind support.

Donate Today

You can give a donation to us right here right now via PayPal.

Just click the button!

We can also take credit card donations over the phone if you prefer. Just call us on 01453-759501 (9-1, Mon - Fri).

Or you can make a donation by electronic bank transfer at any time, send us a cheque, or set up a standing order. Again, just call us on 01453-759501 (9-1, Mon - Fri) for details.

However you choose to donate, please also sign a Gift Aid Form (see below) so that the taxman gives us another 25p for every £1 you give us at no extra cost to yourself! Thank you.

Leave a Legacy

When creating your Will, or adding a codicil to your existing Will, after providing for your loved ones, please consider leaving us a share of what is left as your gift to pass onto the Earth. Your legacy will help ensure we leave our planet, her soils, plants and animals in a better state for those that follow us.

Adding a codicil to your Will is quick and easy. Just download our simple Legacy Form by clicking here, complete and keep it with your Will.

If you need any help or advice call us on 01453-759501 (9-1, Mon - Fri).

Please Gift Aid it!

Please boost any donations you kindly give to support the work of the Biodynamic Assocation by also completing a Gift Aid Form. It adds 25p from the Government to every £1 you give to us!

Simply download our Gift Aid Form by clicking here, fill it in and return to us at: The Biodynamic Association, Open House, Gloucester Street, Stroud. GL5 1QG. Or email your completed form back to us at: [email protected]

Thank you. We really appreciate it.