Getting involved through volunteering is a great win–win. You can become a member and help out at Biodynamic Association events. Or discover and learn about the magic of biodynamics by seeing and experiencing it for yourself on a biodynamic farm.
This scheme enables people to experience working as a volunteer on a variety of organic farms, including biodynamic ones.
For volunteering opportunities in the UK click here.
Or for opportunities abroad click here.
HippoHelp is another way for volunteers to connect with places that can host them. It is not specifically designed for agriculture, but still may be a useful way to find your way to a farm! Click here for more details.
Community Supported Agriculture
Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs) are co-operative partnerships where the local community and farmer share in the production, rewards and responsibilities of food production. Based on the founding principles of biodynamics that agriculture is a powerful social and cultural force which brings communities together for the health and benefit of all.
The idea, originally developed by biodynamic leaders in Germany, really took root in the USA in the 1980s thanks to early pioneers like Hawthorn Valley Farm established in the 1970s.
One of the most successful ideas in reshaping agriculture of its generation, it has now grown into a flourishing movement and worldwide network of CSAs, including Japan and the USA. There are many different models, but they all share similar values and purposes. The majority use organic or biodynamic methods of food production.
In the UK there are over 80 CSAs, including well known biodynamic farms such as Plaw Hatch and Tablehurst farms in Sussex, and Stroud Community Agriculture in Gloucestershire.
All welcome volunteers. For volunteering opportunities on CSA farms, click here.