Our Biodynamic Family in the UK


 Biodynamic Association Certification 

BDA Certification is a department within the UK Biodynamic Association, and is responsible for the certification of GB farmers and growers, food processors, importers and traders to organic and biodynamic (Demeter) standards.

It is a member of The Biodynamic Federation.

The Demeter trademark is used by all certified biodynamic producers in the UK and the Republic of Ireland is the guarantee to consumers that internationally recognised Demeter (biodynamic) standards are being followed. The standards cover production, processing, labelling, and trading, and apply in more than 50 countries. They are equivalent to, and in many cases higher than, EU organic standards.

BDA Certification, Painswick Inn, Gloucester Street, Stroud, GL5 1QG
Tel: 01453 766296
Email: [email protected]


 Biodynamic Land Trust (BDLT)

The Biodynamic Land Trust is a charitable community benefit society, established in 2011 to secure land for biodynamic farming, gardening and food production in the long term. We do this in many ways, including: gift and lease back, bequests, partnerships, community involvement and share offers.

It is directed by a small board of volunteer directors who are elected by members at Annual General Meetings. Members join by investing in withdrawable, non-profit shares. Both individuals and organisations can join, each member has one vote.

The BDA is the custodian trustee of the Biodynamic Land Trust.

Biodynamic Land Trust Ltd, Painswick Inn, Gloucester Street, StroudGL5 1QG
Tel: 01453 367233
Email: [email protected]

Charity XT33649, Community Benefit Society, registration number 31448R


 The Biodynamic Agriculture College (BDAC)

Our centre for biodynamic education, set up in 2010, organizes distant learning courses, and a 2 year work –based Ofqual accredited diploma in biodynamic farming and gardening.

Tel: 01453 766296
Email: [email protected]

Registered company 07338516; charity no 1141825

 Biodynamic Seeds

 You  can buy biodynamic and organic open pollinated seeds from Esk Valley Seeds https://eskseeds.co.uk/  You will find popular well-tried older varieties and new varieties that have been bred by biodynamic or Organic breeders. All seeds are Organic certified by the Biodynamic Association. We source our seeds from biodynamic or organic growers either here in this country or from other seed companies in Europe.   

The Wider Biodynamic Community


Ruskin Mill Trust

Ruskin Mill Trust is a biodynamic provider of Specialist Independent Education in the UK to children and adults with complex needs, including learning difficulties, autistic spectrum conditions and disabilities.



Weleda is a world-leading manufacturer of holistic natural biodynamic cosmetics, as well as pharmaceuticals for anthroposophical therapy. They are one of our key partners in the Biodynamic Gardening Club, running some open days and events in their beautiful Weleda biodynamic gardens in Derbyshire.


International Biodynamic Association

The International Biodynamic Association (IBDA) is the worldwide union of national Biodynamic associations, supporting the development of the member organisations, fostering alliances and partnerships, and supporting activities at the global level.


Demeter International

Demeter International (IBDA) is the certified global brand for products from Biodynamic Agriculture. The world's oldest food certification scheme, Demeter is the only ecological association that has built up a network of individual certification organisations world-wide.


Goetheanum: Section for Agriculture

The Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, is is one of eleven departments of the School for Spiritual Science founded by Rudolf Steiner, contributing to finding solutions for the global challenges facing agriculture.