Local Groups
We have an expanding network of local groups. Members who meet, share practical experience and get advice from fellow members, and who get involved in organizing and supporting biodynamic initiatives. They include gardeners, farmers, smallholders, and beekeepers. Some local groups also become involved in making and sharing biodynamic preparations.
Our South Devon Regional Group is very active and this definitely creates a buzz. There is always a response to a query, question or event; we share information and resources – especially the collection of BD preparations .This is a real 'safety-net' for gardeners and farmers like ourselves , because it may not always be practical nor possible to create the collection of preps every year . If we make too little of a preparation, for example, it can be topped-up via the Regional Group supply; the local provenance and availability is completely valuable. The seasonal newsletters are also a life-line – and the enews keeps us in touch and is a great read.
Laura Wallwork, Tregillis Farm, Cornwall