Academic Case Studies of 4 UK Biodynamic Farms – interim presentation at ORFC

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Biodynamics at Oxford Real Farming Conference 2020
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Interim findings from the Biodynamic Association’s case studies research project, in partnership with Coventry University and the Royal Agricultural University, were presented at the Oxford Real Farming Confernce in January.

The researchers looked at four Demeter certified biodynamic farms in the UK, asking whether they are healthy, resilient examples of respectful agroecological farming where nature as well as farm and people thrive.

Using the Public Goods Farm Assessment Tool, with additions for biodynamic farming, these case studies provide assessments of the four farms in terms of sustainability, viability and vitality at soil, plant, animal, human and social/spiritual levels.

Click here to view the full interim slide set from Oxford (this is a 2.7meg download).

The final report from this research project is due to be published in about a month’s time.