Biodynamic Farming and the solutions it offers to Climate Change
27th October 2020Gardening for the Planet: Growing Green
26th July 2019Industrialised intensive livestock farming has gone off the rails. It does not respect humans or animals. It has a shocking environmental balance sheet, polluting air, water and soil with excrements. It can lead to a ticking time bomb of antibiotic resistance, for which the Covid pandemic might be only a warning shot.
The biodynamic farming alternative is integrated animal husbandry. The ecological balance of integrated animal husbandry is positive, especially due to binding greenhouse gases in the soil humus. The cultural balance is also positive because the respect towards “brother animal” supports dignity and the respectful treatment of the whole natural world.
Read more of this article by Ueli Hurter, joint leader of the Section for Agriculture in Switzerland, which featured in the Autumn 2020 issue of our Star & Furrow members magazine.
Read the full Star & Furrow article here.
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