
Guidelines for using the Barrel preparation & Mausdorf starter
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Guidelines for using the Three Kings Preparation – 15g set and ready made 5cc paste
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Guidelines for using Equisetum and Fermented Equisetum


Download the PDF of this guideline sheet here – including how to identify the correct species of Equisetum so you can harvest your own

Or read it online below

Guidelines 4 Equisetum

Fermented Equistuem

Ready-to-use Equisetum preparation is now available from the BDA.  It has been prepared and fermented according to a recipe developed by Lily Kolisko, one of the leading biodynamic researchers of the last century. It is available in liquid form and will keep in the bottle until it is needed if stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight. It has a pungent smell and is best opened out of doors.

It is used in the same way as the tea brewed from fresh or dried leaves but being in a more concentrated form it should be diluted 1:10 in rainwater (fresh tea can be used diluted 1:5). It can also be diluted further (up to 1:50) for repeat applications. See Guidelines 4 for full instructions.

Fermented Equisetum is ideal for use in small gardens. 50 mls will be enough for an area of between 1/8 to 1/4 acre if diluted 1:10 (1/2 litre of liquid) and applied as a fine spray. If diluted 1:50 it should cover 1/2 acre.