
Guidelines for using Equisetum and Fermented Equisetum
14th June 2023
Summary of the 9 Biodynamic Preparation: benefits and how to use
14th June 2023
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Guidelines for using the Three Kings Preparation – 15g set and ready made 5cc paste


Download the PDF of this guideline sheet here – for the 15g set 

Or read it online below  – for the 15 g set

Guidelines 6 Three Kings Preparation

Three Kings Preparation – Gardeners-sized portion guidance ( comes as 5 cc or 10 cc ready-made paste)

The bottle should be stood in hot water for ten minutes before use. This will dissolve the contents. It can then be poured into your bucket of hand warm water ready for stirring. Hot water can also be used to swill out any remaining material from the bottle and add it to the bucket. For small gardens a stirred bucketful of preparation will be more than enough and can be shared with interested neighbours and friends. Stirring should be done after midday as per general instructions.