Vitality from Soil to Stomach

Planning Your Biodynamic Garden (webinar series)
17th April 2020
Spirit of Place, the Genius Loci
23rd April 2020
Planning Your Biodynamic Garden (webinar series)
17th April 2020
Spirit of Place, the Genius Loci
23rd April 2020

Jens-Otto Andersen’s fascinating keynote talk at the Biodynamic Association Conference 2019 in Stourbridge.

Dr Jens-Otto Andersen is a co-founder of the international research association, Food Quality Health (FQH).

In this address he presents research showing what sliced cucumbers can reveal about the quality of the chemically farmed vs. organic and biodynamic grown vegetables that we eat. Plus how type two diabetes can be reversed in 70% of patients by heritage vegetables which haven’t lost thier quaility from industrial farming’s selection for business convenience over human health, and much more.

Watch the whole talk here.