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18th February 2021Revolutionary Research Reveals Science behind Biodynamic Horn Manure
23rd February 2021With the UK Government currently trying to rush through a consultation on plans to deregulate GM food and labelling, the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International (BFDI) has restated our opposition.
Since the introduction of the first Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in the 1990s, their release in the environment has been strictly regulated in the European Union. All GMOs or derived products from GMOs require risk assessment, traceability, and clear labelling before being placed on the market. But in the past few years, several new genetic engineering techniques have been developed which can be used in plant breeding, and their legal status is now being raised as a question.
We see a real danger in a potential deregulation of these new techniques. Not only because they represent a threat to human health and to our environment but also because they are so invasive that one cannot guarantee the production of seeds and food that are free from GMOs in the long run. Such drastic consequences would be especially problematic when it comes to organic and biodynamic farming.
Click here to read the full BFDI position paper on new GM engineering.
Click here for how to respond to the UK Gene-Editing Consultation before 17th March.